Tennessee Marijuana Arrests by County (2007)

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Arrest Rate per 100,000
County Pop.
Poss. Rank
Anderson 78,811 206 155 51 261.38 196.67 56 64.71
Bedford 44,759 112 102 10 250.23 227.89 47 22.34
Benton 16,535 54 32 22 326.58 193.53 57 133.05
Bledsoe 13,264 10 8 2 75.39 60.31 90 15.08
Blount 121,309 285 253 32 234.94 208.56 51 26.38
Bradley 95,360 380 331 49 398.49 347.11 20 51.38
Campbell 41,404 75 58 17 181.14 140.08 68 41.06
Cannon 13,674 47 35 12 343.72 255.96 35 87.76
Carroll 29,679 128 68 60 431.28 229.12 46 202.16
Carter 58,879 83 72 11 140.97 122.28 77 18.68
Cheatham 39,883 163 155 8 408.70 388.64 12 20.06
Chester 16,292 55 44 11 337.59 270.07 31 67.52
Claiborne 31,892 83 64 19 260.25 200.68 54 59.58
Clay 8,153 10 8 2 122.65 98.12 81 24.53
Cocke 35,842 50 40 10 139.50 111.60 79 27.90
Coffee 53,788 322 245 77 598.65 455.49 8 143.15
Crockett 14,527 16 12 4 110.14 82.60 87 27.53
Cumberland 53,732 166 152 14 308.94 282.89 29 26.06
Davidson 580,929 2,517 2,147 370 433.27 369.58 15 63.69
Decatur 11,173 13 9 4 116.35 80.55 88 35.80
De Kalb 18,694 58 48 10 310.26 256.77 33 53.49
Dickson 47,580 76 64 12 159.73 134.51 69 25.22
Dyer 38,380 207 175 32 539.34 455.97 7 83.38
Fayette 37,637 273 216 57 725.35 573.90 4 151.45
Fentress 17,795 46 33 13 258.50 185.45 59 73.05
Franklin 40,955 151 134 17 368.70 327.19 23 41.51
Gibson 49,622 152 124 28 306.32 249.89 38 56.43
Giles 29,660 155 135 20 522.59 455.16 9 67.43
Grainger 22,960 70 39 31 304.88 169.86 63 135.02
Greene 67,093 109 89 20 162.46 132.65 70 29.81
Grundy 15,105 17 8 9 112.55 52.96 92 59.58
Hamblen 62,122 276 223 53 444.29 358.97 18 85.32
Hamilton 317,031 1,147 949 198 361.79 299.34 27 62.45
Hancock 6,777 2 1 1 29.51 14.76 94 14.76
Hardeman 28,490 112 71 41 393.12 249.21 39 143.91
Hardin 26,410 40 23 17 151.46 87.09 85 64.37
Hawkins 54,877 80 71 9 145.78 129.38 71 16.40
Haywood 19,557 60 56 4 306.80 286.34 28 20.45
Henderson 27,549 71 53 18 257.72 192.38 58 65.34
Henry 32,201 153 119 34 475.14 369.55 16 105.59
Hickman 24,277 97 86 11 399.56 354.24 19 45.31
Houston 8,172 23 6 17 281.45 73.42 89 208.03
Humphreys 18,662 107 56 51 573.36 300.08 26 273.28
Jackson 11,021 15 14 1 136.10 127.03 73 9.07
Jefferson 50,628 138 125 13 272.58 246.90 40 25.68
Johnson 18,318 21 16 5 114.64 87.35 84 27.30
Knox 420,855 1,454 1,317 137 345.49 312.93 24 32.55
Lake 7,413 13 4 9 175.37 53.96 91 121.41
Lauderdale 26,978 85 74 11 315.07 274.30 30 40.77
Lawrence 41,523 270 252 18 650.24 606.89 3 43.35
Lewis 11,746 22 12 10 187.30 102.16 80 85.14
Lincoln 33,349 75 69 6 224.89 206.90 52 17.99
Loudon 45,882 115 93 22 250.64 202.69 53 47.95
McMinn 53,012 143 116 27 269.75 218.82 50 50.93
McNairy 26,189 35 24 11 133.64 91.64 83 42.00
Macon 22,153 57 44 13 257.30 198.62 55 58.68
Madison 97,485 263 218 45 269.79 223.62 49 46.16
Marion 27,873 69 40 29 247.55 143.51 67 104.04
Marshall 29,332 116 49 67 395.47 167.05 64 228.42
Maury 70,993 396 333 63 557.80 469.06 5 88.74
Meigs 11,910 37 30 7 310.66 251.89 37 58.77
Monroe 45,415 99 70 29 217.99 154.13 65 63.86
Montgomery 150,529 733 691 42 486.95 459.05 6 27.90
Moore 6,182 6 3 3 97.06 48.53 93 48.53
Morgan 20,324 21 19 2 103.33 93.49 82 9.84
Obion 31,930 100 72 28 313.19 225.49 48 87.69
Overton 21,046 45 39 6 213.82 185.31 60 28.51
Perry 7,739 31 28 3 400.57 361.80 17 38.76
Pickett 4,897 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 95 0.00
Polk 16,090 130 122 8 807.96 758.23 1 49.72
Putnam 69,914 207 179 28 296.08 256.03 34 40.05
Rhea 30,959 126 107 19 406.99 345.62 21 61.37
Roane 50,061 99 90 9 197.76 179.78 61 17.98
Robertson 58,680 95 74 21 161.90 126.11 75 35.79
Rutherford 238,764 1,128 1,068 60 472.43 447.30 10 25.13
Scott 22,275 65 54 11 291.81 242.42 41 49.38
Sequatchie 13,392 25 17 8 186.68 126.94 74 59.74
Sevier 83,773 270 219 51 322.30 261.42 32 60.88
Shelby 923,311 4,794 3,585 1,209 519.22 388.28 13 130.94
Smith 19,097 35 23 12 183.27 120.44 78 62.84
Stewart 13,222 23 19 4 173.95 143.70 66 30.25
Sullivan 157,709 412 370 42 261.24 234.61 43 26.63
Sumner 164,570 1,163 1,051 112 706.69 638.63 2 68.06
Tipton 58,901 283 237 46 480.47 402.37 11 78.10
Trousdale 7,969 40 30 10 501.95 376.46 14 125.49
Unicoi 17,857 86 59 27 481.60 330.40 22 151.20
Union 19,477 30 24 6 154.03 123.22 76 30.81
Van Buren 5,497 8 7 1 145.53 127.34 72 18.19
Warren 40,690 86 72 14 211.35 176.95 62 34.41
Washington 118,163 331 299 32 280.12 253.04 36 27.08
Wayne 17,011 68 39 29 399.74 229.26 45 170.48
Weakley 33,271 136 101 35 408.76 303.57 25 105.20
White 24,950 26 21 5 104.21 84.17 86 20.04
Williamson 177,406 480 412 68 270.57 232.24 44 38.33
Wilson 107,497 422 259 163 392.57 240.94 42 151.63


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Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data

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