Maryland Marijuana Possession Arrest Rates by County and Race (2006)

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Allegany 438 594 372 547 85% 64 1,418 15% 2 328 0%
Anne Arundel 1,502 293 892 218 59% 603 786 40% 7 41 0%
Baltimore 2,429 308 1,299 236 53% 1,107 576 46% 23 68 1%
Baltimore city 6,351 996 881 428 14% 5,440 1,329 86% 30 201 0%
Calvert 418 474 313 427 75% 98 801 23% 7 543 2%
Caroline 98 307 68 256 69% 30 657 31% 0 0 0%
Carroll 504 298 452 285 90% 52 849 10% 0 0 0%
Cecil 366 373 276 305 75% 90 1,676 25% 0 0 0%
Charles 606 435 246 301 41% 358 718 59% 2 45 0%
Dorchester 206 654 133 600 65% 73 838 35% 0 0 0%
Frederick 661 299 527 276 80% 130 699 20% 4 50 1%
Garrett 123 410 122 413 99% 0 0 0% 1 1,074 1%
Harford 609 254 427 211 70% 181 634 30% 1 19 0%
Howard 831 308 476 253 57% 332 733 40% 23 75 3%
Kent 105 526 60 367 57% 45 1,392 43% 0 0 0%
Montgomery 1,667 179 826 131 50% 813 521 49% 28 22 2%
Prince George’s 1,210 143 217 90 18% 981 177 81% 12 32 1%
Queen Anne’s 198 433 152 371 77% 44 1,169 22% 2 408 1%
Somerset 117 451 42 289 36% 75 700 64% 0 0 0%
St Mary’s 436 451 281 357 64% 154 1,106 35% 1 41 0%
Talbot 166 464 122 408 73% 44 864 27% 0 0 0%
Washington 326 229 260 207 80% 66 506 20% 0 0 0%
Wicomico 425 469 242 365 57% 183 856 43% 0 0 0%
Worcester 839 1,716 668 1,643 80% 169 2,352 20% 2 358 0%

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Classification: The Uniform Crime Reporting Program utilizes 4 classifications for race: White, Black, Indian (Native-American), and Asian. In the tables above the classification “Other” includes both Indian (Native-American) and Asian arrests.

Rates: Arrrest rates are per 100,000 population.

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data

Because of incomplete reporting the arrest totals presented in tables with data on age, sex, and race will NOT always correspond to totals presented in other tables. Please review the following background material for More Information on Source Data.