Louisiana Marijuana Possession Arrest Rates by Race (1994-2007)

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  Total White Black Other
Population Coverage
2007 77% 11,582 345.88 5,110 44.12% 233.36 6,439 55.59% 611.24 33 0.28% 47.40
2006 80% 14,090 420.95 5,967 42.35% 271.48 8,054 57.16% 768.21 69 0.49% 99.91
2005 79% 14,374 407.04 6,027 41.93% 266.03 8,294 57.70% 712.07 53 0.37% 73.99
2004 83% 14,307 385.32 6,800 47.53% 285.44 7,455 52.11% 607.93 52 0.36% 70.15
2003 83% 12,360 332.04 6,256 50.61% 261.23 6,058 49.01% 494.31 46 0.37% 63.41
2002 84% 10,804 288.30 5,280 48.87% 218.55 5,478 50.70% 445.03 46 0.43% 64.23
2001 86% 11,792 307.72 5,396 45.76% 217.91 6,353 53.88% 506.21 43 0.36% 59.97
2000 84% 11,114 301.97 5,525 49.71% 233.20 5,541 49.86% 455.75 48 0.43% 70.31
1999 96% 11,950 284.94 6,093 50.99% 220.34 5,818 48.69% 428.57 39 0.33% 54.90
1998 96% 11,388 272.26 5,454 47.89% 197.25 5,880 51.63% 436.52 54 0.47% 76.38
1997 95% 11,127 276.72 4,880 43.86% 183.93 6,195 55.68% 476.66 52 0.47% 76.18
1996 96% 8,420 230.63 4,050 48.10% 158.16 4,343 51.58% 420.41 27 0.32% 47.17
1995 98% 7,523 203.01 3,589 47.71% 137.52 3,895 51.77% 374.84 39 0.52% 68.73
1994 96% 5,456 152.15 2,648 48.53% 104.44 2,788 51.10% 279.77 20 0.37% 37.15


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Populaton Coverage: Percent of the state’s population covered by the local police agencies reporting data for this year.

Other: Includes Native Americans and Asian. Data on Hispanics is not available from the UCR Program.

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data

Because of incomplete reporting the arrest totals presented in tables with data on age, sex, and race will NOT always correspond to totals presented in other tables. Please review the following background material for More Information on Source Data.