Search results for: anxiety

DEA Denial of the 1995 Marijuana Rescheduling Petition

Federal Register: April 18, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 75) Additional Scientific Data Considered by the Drug Enforcement Administration in Evaluating Jon Gettman’s Petition To Initiate Rulemaking...
88 min read

2004 Congressional Debate on the Farr AmendmentSource: Congressional Record,…

AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MR. FARR Mr. FARR. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment. The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will designate the amendment. The...
31 min read

Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Reviews of Earlier Clinical…

Several scientific publications have reviewed evidence from research on the medicinal uses of cannabis indicating that cannabis in fact may offer benefits in the...
11 min read

Update – Dopamine and the Dependence Liability of Marijuana,…

Recent research published in the journal Science provides valuable contributions to understanding the relative dependence liability of marijuana. (Tanda et al, 1997, de Fonseca...
13 min read

The Dependence Liability of Marijuana

These are Hollister’s conclusions on marijuana dependency in 1986: “Brain damage has not been proven. Physical dependence is rarely encountered in the usual pattern...
5 min read

Drug Abuse Warning Network – Emergency Room Mentions of…

These reports serve as indications of the extent of emergency room admissions for drug-related episodes. The nature of the reporting data can be confusing....
4 min read

Introduction to Major Statistical Indicators

The illicit social use of marijuana is a widely studied phenomenon. Leo Hollister is a prominent veteran researcher in the field of drug abuse...
4 min read

Tolerance to Cannabinoids

Herkenham’s research continued, and subsequently discovered the mechanism of tolerance to marijuana. Tolerance describes an adaptation by the brain to the continued presence of...
2 min read

The Endocannabinoid System Explained

The human body is comprised of a variety of systems, many of which we know fairly well. For instance, if asked, most people could...
6 min read

Structure Activity Relationship and Toxicity

The chemistry of the cannabinoids has been known for some time. The chemistry of marijuana (59) and its biogenesis (60) has been published by...
3 min read

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