North Dakota Clearance Percentages for Major Crimes by County (2007)

1 min read

County Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft All
Adams nr 0%(a) 0%(a) 40% 25% 0%(a) 0%(a) 18%
Barnes 100% 0%(a) nr 47% 9% 30% 38% 31%
Bottineau nr nr 0%(a) 0%(a) 8% 4% 17% 7%
Bowman nr nr nr 0%(a) nr nr nr 0%(a)
Burke nr nr nr 25% 0%(a) 0%(a) nr 8%
Burleigh 100% 44% 58% 53% 18% 32% 39% 40%
Cass 100% 19% 30% 47% 9% 24% 18% 30%
Cavalier nr nr nr 43% 25% 19% 33% 22%
Dickey nr nr nr 33% 20% 3% 0%(a) 9%
Dunn nr nr nr nr nr nr nr nr
Eddy nr nr 0%(a) 0%(a) 0%(b) 0%(a) nr 0%(c)
Emmons nr nr nr 100% 0%(a) 25% 0%(a) 25%
Foster nr nr nr nr nr 0%(a) 0%(a) 0%(a)
Grand Forks 100% 3% 9% 40% 8% 15% 13% 20%
Grant nr nr nr nr nr 100% nr 100%
Griggs nr nr nr 86% 50% 0%(a) nr 58%
Hettinger nr 50% nr 33% 0%(a) 25% nr 29%
Kidder nr nr nr 22% 33% 17% nr 22%
La Moure nr nr nr 0%(a) nr 0%(a) nr 0%(a)
Logan nr nr nr 67% nr 0%(a) nr 33%
McHenry nr nr nr 40% 0%(b) 0%(b) 0%(a) 16%
McKenzie nr nr nr 32% 0%(a) 6% 25% 14%
McLean nr nr nr 35% 5% 7% 30% 15%
Mercer nr nr nr 43% 10% 16% 0%(a) 27%
Morton nr 23% 0%(a) 37% 12% 15% 36% 24%
Mountrail nr nr nr 14% 0%(a) 0%(c) 0%(a) 3%
Nelson nr nr nr 64% 10% 25% 29% 36%
Oliver nr nr nr nr nr nr nr nr
Pembina nr 0%(a) nr 45% 9% 13% 20% 26%
Pierce nr nr nr 17% 50% 9% 0%(a) 14%
Ramsey 100% 50% 50% 75% 23% 44% 54% 49%
Ransom nr nr nr 43% 0%(a) 11% nr 22%
Renville nr 0%(a) nr 50% 0%(a) 9% nr 16%
Richland nr nr 0%(a) 57% 29% 10% 20% 27%
Rolette nr 50% nr 76% 23% 27% 50% 47%
Sargent nr 0%(a) nr 0%(a) 50% 4% nr 7%
Sheridan nr nr nr 0%(a) 0%(a) 0%(b) 0%(a) 0%(c)
Stark nr 0%(a) nr 10% 0% 1% 3% 3%
Stutsman nr 63% nr 76% 7% 23% 14% 44%
Towner nr nr nr nr 13% 0%(b) 100% 17%
Traill nr 0%(a) nr 47% 50% 13% 38% 38%
Walsh nr 0%(a) 0%(a) 42% 12% 10% 15% 20%
Ward 67% 48% 60% 75% 26% 33% 32% 47%
Wells 100% 0%(a) nr 51% 20% 14% 0%(a) 35%
Williams nr 50% 100% 75% 15% 22% 44% 42%


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a: 1 to 10 reported crimes

b: 11 to 20 reported crimes

c: 21 to 30 reported crimes

d: 31 to 40 reported crimes

nr: no crimes reported

The data set used for this presentation (see below) is consisent with but may differ in part from other data sets provided by the Uniform Crime Reporting Program and used for other presentations in this series.

Clearance Percentage: The percentage of known or reported crimes cleared by arrest. The percentage is determined by dividing the number of arrests for a specific offense by the number of offenses reported to police. Blank cells indicate that no offenses in this category were reported to police. A zero percentage (0%) indicates that none of the reported offenses were cleared by an arrest.

Reported Crimes: The number of known crimes reported to police. The number of these crimes cleared by arrest is represented by the Clearance Percentage, calculated by dividing the number of reported crimes by the number of crimes cleared by an arrest, and is provided in a separate table.

All: Refers to all of the seven major crimes in the table: murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny, and vehicle thef (see below)t.

Description of Source Data: “The . . . dataset is a compilation of offenses reported to law enforcement agencies in the United States. Due to the vast number of categoriesof crime committed in the U.S., the FBI has limited the type of crimes includedin this compilationto those crimes which people are most likely to report to police and those crimeswhich occur frequentlyenough to be analyzed across time. Crimes included are criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Much informationabout these crimes is provided in this dataset. The number oftimes an offense has been reported, the number of reported offenses that havebeen cleared byarrests . . . [are] major items of information collected.” Federal Bureau of Investigation, US Departmentof Justice.

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data – Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest

More Information on Source Data