Kentucky Drug Arrests (1990-2007)

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Kentucky State Police Data

Opiates and Cocaine
Synthetic Narcotics
Other Drugs
2007 60,582 7,072 12% 22,996 38% 2,071 3% 28,443 47%
2006 56,376 7,815 14% 21,688 38% 2,038 4% 24,838 44%
2005 46,679 6,141 13% 16,913 36% 3,036 7% 20,589 44%
2004 40,793 5,092 12% 15,911 39% 2,205 5% 17,585 43%


Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data

Opiates and Cocaine
Synthetic Narcotics
Other Drugs


Pop. Cov.
2007 31,481 5,006 16% 20,329 65% 1,769 6% 4,166 13% 100%
2006 34,999 6,532 19% 20,106 57% 1,890 5% 6,356 18% 100%
2005 55,367 6,386 12% 21,947 40% 2,354 4% 24,675 45% 100%
2004 34,074 5,049 15% 17,456 51% 2,062 6% 7,882 23% 100%
2003 31,205 5,148 16% 14,793 47% 2,300 7% 8,787 28% 100%
2002 31,339 6,775 22% 14,931 48% 1,771 6% 7,838 25% 98%
2001 24,468 5,279 22% 13,917 57% 990 4% 4,208 17% 97%
2000 18,224 3,515 19% 11,857 65% 590 3% 2,157 12% 98%
1999 23,657 6,050 26% 13,157 56% 144 1% 4,140 18% 96%
1998 21,217 6,454 30% 10,940 52% 145 1% 3,622 17% 96%
1997 18,512 5,342 29% 10,151 55% 126 1% 2,808 15% 96%
1996 20,372 6,050 30% 10,151 50% 194 1% 3,476 17% 96%
1995 24,306 7,426 31% 11,919 49% 69 0% 4,890 20% 97%
1994 16,542 3,908 24% 7,560 46% 91 1% 4,930 30% 97%
1993 9,744 1,955 20% 4,988 51% 260 3% 2,772 28% 97%
1992 20,628 3,823 19% 11,556 56% 1,256 6% 5,081 25% 97%
1991 14,135 2,755 19% 7,704 55% 118 1% 3,496 25% 96%
1990 12,154 2,661 22% 6,384 53% 89 1% 2,935 24% 96%


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Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data is based on reports provided by state and local law enforcement. For various reasons these reports are sometimes incomplete. In these cases available data is used to impute or estimate missing data, resulting in discrepancies between UCR reported data and data reported by state agencies. Data published by state agencies are more accurate than UCR program reports for various reasons. Aside from this estimation issue state data is generally more current, benefitting from reports received after summary data has been submitted to the national program.

Populaton Coverage: Percent of the state’s population covered by the local police agencies reporting data for this year.

Opiates/Cocaine: This category includes opium, cocaine, and their derivatives. Opiate derivatives include, for example, morphine, heroin, and codeine. Cocaine derivative include crack cocaine.

Marijuana: This category includes hashish.

Synthetic Narcotics: This category includes manufactured narcotics and includes, for example, Demerol , methadone, and Oxycontin.

Other Drugs: This category includes dangerous non-narcotic drugs and includes, for example, barbiturates, benzedrine, LSD, methamphetamine, and PCP.

Itemized categories may not account for total drug arrests because of occassional reporting irregularities in which arrests are reported for drug abuse offenses but not classified as one of these four categories.

Sources: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data, Kentucky State Police (Crime in Kentucky 2004, Crime in Kentucky 2005, Crime in Kentucky 2006)

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