Hawaii Marijuana Possession Arrest Rates by Race (1994-2007)

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  Total White Black Other
Population Coverage
2007 100% 1,297 101.06 545 42.02% 145.12 52 4.01% 138.15 700 53.97% 135.63
2006 100% 1,053 86.15 443 42.07% 126.04 41 3.89% 111.42 569 54.04% 114.21
2005 100% 1,003 78.65 450 44.87% 131.60 34 3.39% 114.88 519 51.74% 80.12
2004 100% 1,054 83.46 420 39.85% 125.06 31 2.94% 108.80 603 57.21% 93.51
2003 101% 1,098 87.31 403 36.70% 121.84 31 2.82% 110.88 664 60.47% 102.83
2002 101% 1,032 82.90 348 33.72% 107.31 33 3.20% 122.96 651 63.08% 101.28
2001 100% 1,119 91.39 380 33.96% 120.06 32 2.86% 127.15 707 63.18% 111.19
2000 100% 1,010 83.37 306 30.30% 98.45 33 3.27% 141.87 671 66.44% 106.05
1999 100% 1,106 93.33 357 32.28% 91.23 38 3.44% 112.65 711 64.29% 93.56
1998 100% 1,257 105.36 483 38.42% 122.27 54 4.30% 154.48 720 57.28% 94.36
1997 96% 1,385 120.81 478 34.51% 125.53 62 4.48% 184.31 845 61.01% 115.44
1996 100% 1,268 107.09 430 33.91% 108.77 50 3.94% 143.70 788 62.15% 104.53
1995 101% 1,405 118.37 565 40.21% 141.78 33 2.35% 94.26 807 57.44% 107.10
1994 100% 1,344 113.99 516 38.39% 129.72 44 3.27% 127.54 784 58.33% 104.99


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Populaton Coverage: Percent of the state’s population covered by the local police agencies reporting data for this year.

Other: Includes Native Americans and Asian. Data on Hispanics is not available from the UCR Program.

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data

Because of incomplete reporting the arrest totals presented in tables with data on age, sex, and race will NOT always correspond to totals presented in other tables. Please review the following background material for More Information on Source Data.